Friday, September 10, 2010

63rd. Stroke

I had a great day today. I guess I was just in the right frame of mind. It even seemed like a couple things where thrown my way to test it. Even though they where things that normally would have made me react I didn't skip a beat. I like to write in the morning and this morning I wrote a list of ten things I'm grateful for. You should try it.


  1. A very inspirational post and project you have here. I'm so glad that you left a message! Best of luck on your recovery and kudos for your courage. Heather

  2. while having a really hard time wherein it is very difficult to find good, i will try to do what you suggest. thanks....

  3. hey. what are you going to do when you reach 365 days of this painting? we should celebrate YOU and all the people who participate and all the thoughts and goodness and hardship and recognition. you are doing not only something for yourself here, but for others. so awesome my big brave bro. love you....

  4. Thank you for the positive feedback and hope you can enjoy it.
